Saturday, June 28, 2008

Funny Cameryn...

Just an update on the funny things that Cameryn has said lately:
1. After hearing me tell her that I couldn't pick her up again tonight because I am too sore...she proceeded to tell Chad that she couldn't crawl into bed because she was "too sore". She is a riot.
2. Arriving at the parking lot of the AMC for her first movie..."We made it! It's gonna be a party!"
3. She tells us daily that she needs to wear a dress so that she can go to the ball and dance with the prince...we're going through a Cinderella phase ;)
4. The other morning I got her up and she proceeded to tell me that she was going to change my diaper...and that I needed some "bum cream" aka diaper cream.
5. While driving the other day she told me that she wanted to drive and that I needed to sit in her car seat.
6. Tonight after her bath she told me that she was going to go to work and that I shouldn't be sad. "I go to work...mama, don't be sad."
She is hilarious!


JR and Brynn said...

Oh my gosh, I am laughing so hard right now. She is hysterical!! I wish so badly that we lived by each other. I would just laugh at her all the time. I freaking love her. Where does she come up with these things? My favorite, for sure, is that she is going to drive. Love it!

Lac said...

How tan is she? Love it! Don't you love what kids say? The other night I was cutting stuff out for FHE and I game Keini some stuff to cut out with me, anyway he was suprisingly good at it. I said "Keini, you're a really great cutter, how did you learn that?" He said " I learn all my best stuff from my Dad." Which as his Mother, no he doesn't... Jace is never even home! Seriously!

The Bonham Family said...

That picture reminds me of a mini Brynn! I seriously can't believe how much they look alike. But then again you and Brynn look so much alike. I love all of her lines especially the diaper comment! If she's anything like her mommy she is hysterical. Are you getting more and more ready to have this other little angel! I wish I had a little girl to dress up! Boy's are so boring to dress but totally easy. I hope your feeling well! Show some more pictures of your cute preggo belly!

Beam Family said...

Too funny! I love the things kids say.