Saturday, January 5, 2008

Top Ten Events of 2007 for the Simons Fam

10. Cameryn turned 1 year old.
9. Chad and Natalie turned 28 years old.
8. Cameryn started walking.
7. Cameryn started talking.
6. Natalie met her goal of running 6 miles in one day-and then realized that was nuts and cut down.
5. Chad had two semesters with a 4.0 GPA.
4. We made it through 5 months of living apart.
3. We said "goodbye" to San Angelo.
2. We bought a house in Dallas.
1. Chad graduated from P.T. school.
We've have been so blessed this year. We are truly lucky to have all that we do. And we are the luckies people in the world to have our Cameryn. Hopefully, 2008 will be just as good if not better.

1 comment:

JR and Brynn said...

What an exciting year for you guys. Oh, I miss her so much!! She is an angel straight from Heaven. :)