Friday, March 21, 2008

Cam's New Bike...

Chad and I decided to get Cam a bike for Easter...just a simple trike that we can steer until she figures out the pedaling. We picked it up today and then Cam helped Chad put it together. She loves it! In fact, we could hardly get her off of it for dinner. She is so funny. I've never gotten smiles this big for the camera :)


The Bonham Family said...

I got Caden that bike last summer and he also loved it so much! But James thinks he should have the big boy 4-wheeler now! Mom's not ready to chase him down in that for a few more months! It looks so warm there. Im jealous.

Tif said...

How many miles to the gallon does she get on that hog? She looks so excited!! What a cutie she is. I love her and miss her TONS!!

JR and Brynn said...

Those smiles just say it all don't they?